
Search Results

1. Photo of Adrienne Bailey (1970s)

2. Adrienne Bailey With Adelaide Tshukudu Tambo

3. Adrienne Bailey as Baby

4. Adrienne Bailey as Young Girl

5. Adrienne Bailey With Mmantsae Moche Diale

6. Adrienne Bailey With Maya Bristow

7. Adrienne Bailey With Her Family

8. Adrienne Bailey With Clinton Bristow, Jr.

9. Adrienne Bailey With Ambassador James Joseph

10. Adrienne Bailey Featured in Chicago Daily Tribune

11. Adrienne Bailey With Her Mother and Grandmother

12. Photo of Adrienne Bailey

13. Adrienne Bailey Receiving the J.C. Award

14. Adrienne and Julia Bailey

15. Adrienne Bailey With Frederick Drew Gregory

16. Pricilla Smith Bailey

17. Floyd Bailey

18. Leroy Bailey

19. Dora Pittman Yarber

20. James Yarber

21. Ann Smith's Interview With The HistoryMakers (#1)

22. Ann Smith's Interview With The HistoryMakers (#2)

23. Ann Smith's Interview With The HistoryMakers (#3)

24. Ann Smith's Interview With The HistoryMakers (#4)

25. Ann Smith's Interview With The HistoryMakers (#6)

26. Ann Smith's Interview With The HistoryMakers (#7)

27. Ann Smith's Interview With The HistoryMakers (#8)

28. Ann Smith's Promotional Flyer

29. Artis Hampshire-Cowan’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#1)

30. Artist Hampshire-Cowan's Interview with The HistoryMakers (#2)

31. Artis Hampshire-Cowan’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#3)

32. Artis Hampshire-Cowan’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#4)

33. Artis Hampshire-Cowan’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#5)

34. A. Leon Higginbotham

35. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with A. Leon Higginbotham

36. Carri Cowen and Ernest Cowen

37. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Brandon Neil and Senator Barack Obama

38. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Family and Friends During Kwanzaa

39. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Nelson Mandela and H. Patrick Swygert

40. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Arthur Ashe

41. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Colleagues

42. Artis Hampshire-Cowan Honoring Laurence Fishburne

43. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Earl Graves

44. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Gwen Ifill

45. Artis Hampshire-Cowan Honoring Mark Dean

46. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Irene Pollin

47. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Senator Bill Frist

48. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Oprah Winfrey

49. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Serena Williams

50. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Judge Damon Keith

51. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Senator Carol Moseley Braun

52. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Charlene Drew Jarvis

53. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Ron Brown

54. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Ernest Cowan, Sr.

55. Artis Hampshire-Cowan with Family

56. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With the Spelman College Glee Club (#1)

57. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Classmates (#1)

58. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With the YWCA (#1)

59. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Featured in Local Newspaper (#1)

60. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Her Spelman College Graduating Class (#1)

61. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Spelman Alumni Annual Fund Committee (#1)

62. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley's Appointment (#1)

63. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Her Flag Rank Colleagues (#1)

64. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Her Sisters (#1)

65. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With the Spelman College Glee Club (#2)

66. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Classmates (#2)

67. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With the YWCA (#2)

68. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Featured in Local Newspaper (#2)

69. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Her Spelman College Graduating Class (#2)

70. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Spelman Alumni Annual Fund Committee (#2)

71. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Her Flag Rank Colleagues (#2)

72. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley's Appointment (#2)

73. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Her Sisters (#2)

74. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Featured in Local Newspaper (#3)

75. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Treating a Patient

76. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Examining a Patient

77. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Operations Crossroads Africa

78. Drs. Audrey and Albert Manley

79. Dr. Albert Edward Manley

81. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Columnist Ann Landers

82. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley's Appointment as Chief Resident

83. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley at Spelman Presidential Inauguration

84. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Yearbook Photo

85. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Friends

86. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With the Biology Club

87. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Featured in the Chicago Tribune

88. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley Featured in Spelman College Newspaper

89. Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley With Dr. David Satcher

90. Barbara A. Sizemore As Infant (#1)

91. Barbara A. Sizemore's Paternal Grandmother (#1)

92. Barbara A. Sizemore As Forrestville High School Principal (#1)

93. Barbara A. Sizemore Featured In Chicago Sun Times (#1)

94. Barbara A. Sizemore's Paternal Grandmother (#2)

95. Barbara A. Sizemore Featured In Chicago Sun times (#2)

96. Barbara A. Sizemore As Forrestville High School Principal (#2)

97. Barbara A. Sizemore With Grandmother

98. Barbara A. Sizemore At One Year Old

99. Barbara A. Sizemore's Father And Uncle

100. Barbara A. Sizemore's Mother And Stepfather