
Search Results

1. Avon Performing in Finnian's Rainbow

2. Barbara Bowles in her college graduation portrait

3. Bernard Kinsey With Florida A&M University Corporate America Alumnus

4. Bernard Kinsey at His Birthday Party

5. Bishop John Hurst Adams' Appointed Pastor of Grant A.M.E. Church

6. Bishop John Hurst Adams Featured in The Seattle Times Newspaper

7. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Gathering

8. Cal Street Performing With Sandra Tilley and Annette Rodgers

9. Callie Crossley in News Article

10. Callie Crossley High School News Articles

11. "Portrait Of John Riddle" (#1)

12. "Portrait Of John Riddle" (#2)

13. Cheryl Blackwell Bryson's High School Prom

14. Clayton W. Bates, Jr. at the 4th Symposium on Photoelectric Image Device

15. Clayton W. Bates, Jr. With His Mother

16. Dempsey J. Travis With Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey

17. Donald V. Watkins With Alabama Governor George Corley Wallace, Autumn Carr and Mary Green

18. Hosea Williams Leading Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Funeral

19. Hosea Williams Organizing the Tennessee Garbage Man Strike

20. Elnora Daniel gives the capping address to graduating nurses at Hampton University