
Search Results

1. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#1)

2. Luther Jones (#1)

3. 17th Annual Tap Festival Pamphlet (#1)

4. “Shades of Harlem” Poster (#1)

5. Ludie Jones (#1)

6. “Tapping Seniors” (#1)

7. Ludie Jones With “Lew Leslie's Blackbirds” (#1)

8. 17th Annual Tap Festival Pamphlet (#2)

9. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#2)

10. Luther Jones (#2)

11. Ludie Jones (#2)

12. “Tapping Seniors” (#2)

13. Ludie Jones With “Lew Leslie's Blackbirds” (#2)

14. ‘Shades of Harlem” Poster (#2)

15. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#3)

16. Ludie Jones (#3)

17. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#4)

18. Ludie Jones (#4)

19. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#5)

20. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#6)

21. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#7)

22. Ludie Jones’s Interview with The HistoryMakers (#8)

23. Ludie Jones as a New Born

24. Ludie Jones as a “Swinging Senior”

25. Ludie Jones Winning an Award

26. Ludie Jone With Family and Friends

27. Ludie Jones and God Children

28. Judie Jones with Myrtle Watkins and Rudy Riley

29. Ludie Jones and Ruby Riley Receiving Flowers

30. Wanita Walso and Ludie Jones in Costume

31. Ludie Jones at “Honey and Bears”

32. “Swinging Seniors” in Atlantic City

33. Clipping From Ludie Jones Birthday

34. “Lew Leslie's Blackbirds”

35. Ludie Jones With “Shades of Harlem” Cast

36. Ludie Jones in Front of the Coliseum

37. Ludie Jones Tap Dancing

38. “Feet Don’t Fail Me Now” Poster

39. “Swinging Seniors” in Dressing Room

40. Earl Jones

41. Gladys Jones

42. “Gospel Up Town” Poster

43. Ludie Jones High School Graduation

44. Ludie Jones in the USO Show

45. Julius Johnson

46. “Three Poms”

47. “The Swinging Seniors”