
Search Results

1. Andrea Lawrence Featured in Black Issues in Higher Education (#1)

2. Andrea Lawrence Featured in Black Issues in Higher Education (#2)

3. Andrea Lawrence Featured in Black Issues in Higher Education (#3)

4. Andrea Lawrence With Her Family

5. Andrea Lawrence's Father

6. Dr. Anthony M. Johnson With Former Optical Society of America Presidents

7. Antoinette Malveaux With Her Sister, Julianne Malveaux

8. Avery Kirkland Dressed For Awards Ceremony

9. Charles Burrell posing with his bass for the 'Rocky Mountain News' newspaper

10. Dianne Wilkerson's grandson and grand-nephew

11. Donna Satchell and Les Brown (2002)

12. Edward Adams in South Africa

13. Eleanor Jones at High School Graduation Party

14. Elisabeth Omilami at Food Distribution Center

15. Elnora Daniel with her administrative assistant in Paris

16. Eugene H. Dibble, III in Gambia

17. George L. and Janet Miles With First Lady Barbara Bush

18. H. Leslie Adam With Concert Soloists

19. Haki Madhubuti and Amiri Baraka

20. Promotional flyer for 'Sweet Old Song,'